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Wilmington Area School District Athletic Director - The Wilmington Area School District is accepting applications for an Athletic Director. This is a 12-month position. Responsibilities include organizing all District athletic programs. Required qualifications: In-depth working knowledge of all sports, reserving fields, scheduling and overseeing sports functions. Arranging travel logistics for all sports teams to attend away games. Strong organizational, leadership and communication skills. Please send a letter of interest, resume, three letters of reference, and current 34, 114, and 151 clearances to: Dr. Terence Meehan, Superintendent, Wilmington Area School District, 300 Wood Street, New Wilmington, Pa. 16142. Applications will be accepted until 3pm on 03/07/2025. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. WASD is an equal opportunity provider.
Wilmington Area School District Fall Play & Spring Musical Directors - The Wilmington Area School District is seeking to fill the Director position for our Fall Play & Spring Musical. Applicants for these positions are to submit a written letter of interest, a support staff application packet which can be found on our website:, current 34, 114, and 151 clearances, and mailed to Dr. Terence Meehan, Superintendent, 300 Wood Street, New Wilmington, Pa. 16142. The deadline for applying is March 7, 2025. All clearances must be on file in the District Office before Board Approval. WASD is an equal opportunity provider.
Wilmington Area School District Full Time French Teacher - The Wilmington Area School District is seeking a permanent full time French teacher. Please send a letter of interest, resume, standard PA teaching application, college transcripts, three letters of reference, copy of PA teaching certificate, current 34, 114, and 151 clearances to: Dr. Terence Meehan, Superintendent, Wilmington Area School District, 300 Wood Street, New Wilmington, Pa. 16142. Applications will be accepted until 3pm on March 7, 2025. Electronic submissions will not be accepted. WASD is an equal opportunity provider.