#1 AARDVARK Buying from one piece to complete Estates: Antiques, Furniture, Guns, You name it we buy it. Cash Paid Accredited Buyer for over 50 years. Call 724- 285-9293.
CUSTOM Deer Cutting. Professional work. Smokehouse products available. Hours 8am-5pm Monday-Friday and Saturday, 8am-4pm. Dan McKruit 1011 Bearcreek Road, Cabot. 724-352-2988
EXERCISE Your heart! Join the startup of a Christian organization. Serve our lord by doing works of mercy. Get a free book when you come to a meeting. Refreshments will be provided. Call for details and or to register 724-487-8394.
GOLF-Cart Junk Yard wants your old golf cart, running or not. Any condition, make or model. Will pick up. Get paid Cash today. Paying $500 and up for gas carts. 724-679-5053
LADDERS Extension, type 1, aluminum or fiber glass, staging and jacks. Cash paid. Will pick up. 202-875-4831
RAYMOND Yaracs auctioneer & appraiser. Buying & Selling. From one piece to complete Estates for over 50 yrs. Weekly Auction Every Sat. 5:00. Auctions Your Place Or Ours. Call 724-285-1372 Or 724-285-9293.
WHEN Praying For Impossible Causes, Dont Forget St. Jude Thaddeus. Thanks St. Jude.